
Halloween History

Halloween is celebrated October 31 every year. It began 5 century B.C. Halloween was originally ancient Celtic festival. Name of Ancient Celtic festival is Samhain. The festival of Samhain is a celebration of the end of the harvest season. Samhain was a time used to take stock of supplies and prepare for winter. The ancient Celtic believed that the borders between the worlds of alive and dead people overlapped on October 31. Dead people would come back to life and cause disaster such as sickness or damaged crops.

3 件のコメント:

Tabris さんのコメント...

I know Halloween vaguely but I don't know detailes so your blog is too easy to understand.

nori716 さんのコメント...

I seldom know about Halloween.
But I got a little knowledge about it, thanks.

daichito さんのコメント...

I did not know about Halloween well. But thanks to this presentation I was able to learn this. Thank you!